Not only was it an act of vision and faithfulness to move the church in 1971 from Valleyfield to Montague, it was also a financial cost, $100,000. But the project proceeded under the assumption that the three congregations of Lower Montague, Montague and Valleyfield would pull together, pay the bills and become one. They certainly did. The years have shown that the building, in pieces, did survive the move, and survived it well.
In 1974, three years after the church building was moved to Montague, a stone cairn was built in Valleyfield on the site of the original log meeting house. Inscribed on it are the church buildings and dates from 1842 to 1971. It also includes this quote from Psalm 119.90 A in Gaelic and English: o linn gu lino tha d'fhirinn “Your faithfulness endures through all the ages” |